Use Case :
Whether you have a small fleet or a large one, you still need a simple, safe way for your drivers to fill up gas and/or pay for other covered expenses like meals, hotels, repairs, etc. Bento is the best way to empower your employees while protecting your company from unauthorized spending. Some tips from our current Fleet customers:
- Provide each driver a category restricted card for fuel purchases while they record mileage through the mobile app. Use Bento’s flexible card controls to adjust the restrictions and easily accommodate unexpected events on the road while keeping your business safe.
- Keep track of each vehicle cost by creating a card per vehicle irrespective of the driver to track and consolidate fuel and repair costs.
- Ideal for business surges when hiring temporary or seasonal workforces. Bento allows your crew to make controlled and category restricted purchases (such as fuels, foods, etc.), and when they leave, cancel the card with a click.
Bento can be used to meet your needs and regardless of how you choose to use Bento you will be protected from unauthorized spending, have real-time visibility of cash flow, and have innovative reporting tools.