spend control

Simplified Business Receipt Capture

AI-Powered Receipt Capture

Getting receipts from your employees is necessary and can be difficult – particularly with more and more people working remotely.

Receipt Capture Banner
Auto Matching

Auto-matching receipts to transactions

Gone are the days where you had to look up a transaction and manually attach receipts. With AutoMatch, all you have to do is take a picture of a receipt and Bento will auto-magically match it to the correct transaction. Expense tracking is that simple.

Email receipts

We all struggle with organizing and reconciling digital receipts. Bento now has a solution for that, too. Simply forward any digital receipts from your email account to receipts@bentoforbusiness.com and we will again automatically match it to the correct transaction. 

email recipet


Even though we’ve made attaching receipts a breeze, we understand that people sometimes forget to submit them, thus creating a logistical nightmare for finance teams. We’re now adding a helping hand there as well. When enabled, Bento will automatically send an email at the beginning of each month for prior month transactions to all cardholders who missed uploading receipts according to your policies. Let us do the chasing down while you focus on more important things.

Upload receipts from the library

We know that you’re not always online and can’t log into the app to upload receipts directly. And that’s okay. Bento now lets you upload pics directly from your photos folder. Simply take pictures of receipts whenever you have time and when you can get online, log into the app, and upload pics from your photos library.

upload recipt