When you are searching for a debit card for your small business, you want one that is flexible, offers low transaction and setup fees yet provides you with the records you need to keep track of your company expenses. Bento for Business offers a debit card that has been ranked as one of the best for small business.
Best Debit Card with Low Costs
Bento for Business offers debit cards for your small business that not only save you money by helping you track expenses. They are less expensive than those found at other places—set up debit cards for 10 employees at Bento for as little as $29 per month. The cards can be set up in as little as 60 seconds. You can change card limits and reload the cards from anywhere and at any time. The debit cards at Bento allow you to gain control of your employee expenses, preventing fraud, waste and theft.
Best Debit Card Security
Not only do Bento debit cards help you gain better control of your expenses, they are also secure. All cards are FDIC insured to at least $250,000 through The Bancorp Bank, N.A.; Member FDIC, and are encrypted with high-level SSL encryption. There is also a hassle-free mobile app that you can use for employee expense management. Your employees will no longer need to use reimbursement forms or hand you a stack of receipts for you to sort through. This can significantly streamline your accounting process and help you better track what your employees spend.
Best Debit Card Acceptance
Bento for Business offers debit cards with the Visa® logo. This means that the cards are accepted at any location that accepts either card around the world. When your employees must travel out-of-state, or even out of the country, you can rest assured that their cards will operate properly. You can review what they spend using the app or the dashboard, making sure the expenses charged are authorized and within reason.
Best Debit Card Free Trial
Bento for Business offers a free 60-day trial so you can see for yourself how beneficial their debit cards can be for your business. You can also see how the system works by accessing the free demo on their website or they will provide you with an extensive free demo. All you have to do is request the demo and a friendly customer service representative will help you. Bento has been rated highly by customers and financial agencies as one of the best cards available for small businesses. They are one of the few companies who design products for small businesses that are normally only available for large companies. They are accredited by the Better Business Bureau so you know that if you do have a problem, they will respond to you quickly and correct whatever issue you may have.
No matter what your small business offers as a product or service, Bento for Business can help you streamline your accounting process and get a better handle on your finances with the best debit card available today. Contact them today at 866.220.8455 or request a free trial to learn more about the services offered through Bento. Improve your bottom line and focus on growing your business rather than shuffling through receipts and paperwork. Sign up for a 60-day free trial today!