Procurement card definition

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What is a procurement card, and how does it work? A procurement card is defined as a type of business charge card that can be given to select employees so that they can make authorized purchases and payments for their companies. Also known as pcards or purchasing cards, are company charge cards that may be […]

Ghost cards

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What are ghost cards? Ghost cards are types of virtual credit card numbers that can be instantly generated and assigned to individual departments within a business or to specific vendors. The card numbers can be used by all of the departmental employees to make purchases that are charged back to their departments or by high-volume […]

Ghost Cards vs Virtual Cards

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Overview What Are Ghost Cards? What Are Virtual Cards? Which One Is Right For You? What About P-Cards? What Spend Management Solution Is Best For You? What are ghost cards and how they work? As companies grow in size, tracking and managing employee expenses can become more difficult. Expense report automation is one way that […]

Best cities for accountants

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Whether you are just starting your accounting career or are in a more advanced stage, you can find the best city for accountants at your particular career level. Some cities are better for people who are at the entry level of their careers,  while others best cities for accountants who are searching for senior-level positions. […]

Energy business expenses

eco city energy

​Being in the energy business can be very profitable and rewarding if business owners are able to effectively manage their energy business expenses. Energy businesses will always be needed. With more renewable energy sources coming to the forefront, the growth potential continues to expand. The U.S. government reports that the U.S. is the largest energy […]